Monday, November 30, 2015

2016 Preview

In case you missed it, 2015 was an eventful year for me personally. Starting in November 2014, I had an incessant parade of ER and OR visits (four unexpected surgeries with the most recent being in October), and 11 months of complications involving weekly doctor visits within different specialties. Along with this and planned end of the year travel, posting came to a grinding halt in October. Hence my silence until now. For followers that came during my unavoidable hiatus, welcome!

According to Lisa is moving to a monthly post schedule, due to also posting bi-monthly on SFBayGirl, and now being a contributing writer on Scriggler (these posts will only be announced on Twitter!), so please also follow me on Twitter at @LISAGNO. The book I planned to publish in August was delayed due to health issues and lack of personal bandwidth, hence the decrease in posting frequency on both my sites in 2016. I also have more medical procedures to face starting in January and hope to still publish by May.

While 2015 saw a mix of travel and memoir writing with a twist of humor, I will now be delving into more personal, heavier subject matter. This change will align more with my forthcoming book, and I will include warnings on posts that include adult language/content or subject matter that could be considered uncomfortable. My hope is that readers who personally relate to these posts will reach out to me and share their experiences. Due to severe time constraints and lack of personal bandwidth, I am only able to respond to any comments via Twitter (and there could be delay). Hopefully by summer I will be able to open up the Comment Feature.

I will be removing the majority of content from 2011 Archives on 1/10/16. Some of it will appear in modified format in the forthcoming book, some will disappear forever.

As always, thank you for following!

According to Lisa officially returns 1/10/2016.